Community Board Rules
Rudeness and flaming will get you removed from the community no matter how helpful your message is in other ways.
Method: Postings can only be made via BB, not email. If you try to reply via email, you will get an error message directing you to the BB. This is to prevent people from replying with unedited/untrimmed messages as well as to keep posts neatly organized by categories.
Where to post: Post your message in the appropriate forum e.g. commercial food questions/comments in that area, not in raw feeding, as digest subscribers will otherwise read topics they didn't elect to receive. Read the descriptions under each forum name to get a sense of what goes in that forum.
Subject/Topic: Change subject lines to reflect content so messages are threaded properly making it easier for people to follow the discussion.
Quoting: Default is no quote included when you hit reply in a given message, or if you use the Quick Reply box at the bottom of each page.
If you wish to quote, then instead of hitting reply, click on "quote" in the top right area of message to which you wish you respond. Or if using the Quick Reply box, click on "quote last message" option to the right of the box. Once the quote appears on your screen, you should remove all but the relevant portions.
Posting in capital letters: On the Internet, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be "shouting", and thus in very poor taste (read: rude). Also, all capital letters make a post rather difficult to read. Please use sentence case in your messages and subject lines with an occasional word or phrase in all caps only for emphasis reasons if warranted.
The maximum number of characters allowed in a post is 20,000, which is around 7-8 pages depending on font, margins, etc. In others words, quite long!
Third-Party posts: There are too many variables that come into play relaying information 3rd-party, and it is too easy to miss vital information by playing middle-man. Forum members can't be relied upon to give assistance without direct input from the kitty mom or dad, especially when dealing with a serious illness or condition. We hope you understand; this is for the kitty's welfare and well-being.
Forwarding: Also do *not* send in or fwd virus warnings, and any other posts unrelated to any of the topics listed in any of the individual forums part of the Community.
Limited to 100 characters, and must be left at the end of your posts and contain your first name (or nickname - see below).
If you aren't comfortable using your real first name, put a reasonable nickname there - something that friends call you, for example. If a "nickname" you use is not considered suitable, you will be asked to change it.
Using your first name or reasonable nickname is a courtesy to other members so they know how to address you and identifies you in the Community.
We're not an "ordinary" Board with members that aren't familiar with each other; we are a caring cat Community and members are screened before being allowed to become a part of it. We take special measures to ensure Holisticat is secure and your information is not shared, even limited information such as your first name.
Hiding your online status:
Members are not allowed to change the setting and hide their online status.
Photos and other images:
We all love seeing photos of your kitties. Our only requirement is that you don't include them in your post(s) and put them in your album. Including them in a post slows the Board down and inconveniences members with dial-up connections. Yes, they're out there, so we're just being considerate:>
If you have a business, you can include the URL in your sig file but no active soliciting on the list. Complaints about off-list harassment can lead to unsubbing.
If you send in a post recommending/touting a product or service, you must disclose if you have a quid pro quo relationship with the seller/manufacturer and/or are financially affiliated with it even if in a remote way.
Basically, it's perfectly fine to be a member with a business as opposed to a businessperson joining to drum up business by becoming a member.
Copyright Issues:
Please respect copyright laws with respect to graphics and verbiage from anyone or any site when posting to the Holisticat Forum Community. Ideally, post just the URL with a short quote or a summary/synopsis, not entire passages with or without attribution. If permission is required, get it prior to posting.
All information contained within the Holisticat Community Forum (and Yahoo groups) is copyrighted. Permission must be obtained from Sandy, Jules, Shawn, or the message author for it to be reproduced.
This being a private, members-only forum participants have an expectation of privacy which must be respected if you wish to remain a part of it.
Copying/reproducing and/or forwarding of messages posted on the Holisticat Community Forum (including material from yahoo groups from 2005- ) to any other individual, forum, site, list, or group is prohibited.
The same consideration should be given for all the material gathered by our members, past or present. It's intellectual theft to pass off the work done by others as one's own.
Bottom line - Do *not* quote or in any way reproduce any of our posts (current or archived) at all, ever, even with author's name included. Writers have a right to know where their words are being published and attribution must be given. Always ask for permission first. This is required, not optional.
Failure to comply with these basic copyright rule is grounds for removal from the Community.
This includes gleaning & distributing information/recommendations to third-parties such as friends & family members.
If you have any questions about what's kosher and what's not, ask Sandy, Jules, or Shawn.
Note: The moderators, administrator, and list mom all have the right to move messages as well as to delete postings (as well as posters) considered inflammatory, rude, inappropriate, or too off-topic.
If you ever have technical questions or content-related queries/comments e.g. reporting an inappropriate message, click on the "Holisticat Crew" link.
Forum Rules for membership and for posting messages
- booeymom
- Admin Kitty
- Posts: 9490
- Joined: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:58 pm
- Location: Virginia
- Contact: